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Why Donate to KCE?
Your donation supports our work providing healthcare professionals with access to the most current, evidence-based medical information to help them make the best decisions for their patients.
Your donation is:
Impactful, as 91% of every gift goes directly to our programs
Donate to KCE using your PayPal account.
Donor-Advised Fund
Use your donor-advised fun to maximize your tax benefits while supporting KCE.
Matching Gifts
Contact your company’s Human Resources office to see if your employer matches contributions to KCE. A matching gift from your employer may double or triple your impact.
Our Tax ID (EIN) is 14-1994362.
Via Venmo
Donate to KCE using your Venmo account.
By Check
Send a check payable to KidsCareEverywhere: P.O. Box 5623, Berkeley, CA 94705.
More Ways to Give
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